Extraction of SCN eggs from cysts

Wash the cyst/sediment suspension (from the cyst extraction method) from the 100 ml beakers into the small PVC #60 sieve (250 micron diameter pores). Eggs of SCN average 47 microns by 100 microns in size.

Place a #200 sieve (75 micron diameter pores) over a #500 sieve (25 micron diameter pores) into the funnel below the rubber stopper, and start the drill press using the foot pedal. Bring the spinning rubber stopper into contact with the sieve surface.

grind  grind from top

Grind the material on the sieve lightly between the rubber stopper and sieve. Periodically rinse with the wash bottle. This will maintain lubrication between the sieve and rubber stopper and also rinse eggs through the #200 sieve. Grind until nothing remains upon the small PVC sieve except sand.

water bottle rinse  rinse

Release pressure on the foot pedal to stop the drill press, wait for the drill press to stop spinning, and rinse the rubber stopper. Wash the material on the #500 sieve back into the original 100 ml beaker.

Carefully rinse all sieves under the faucet. Repeat for all remaining samples.

Sources for equipment and materials
Standard sieves:
Fisher Scientific
1600 W. Glenlake Avenue
Itasca, IL 60143
(800) 223-9114
VWR Scientific
P.O. Box 66929, O'Hare AMF
Chicago, IL 60666
(800) 932-5000

#60 (PVC) sieve and rubber stoppers:
David Soh
(515) 294-5094

Motorized stirrer for rubber stopper:
Delta 10" drill press running at 2340 RPM (any brand would work)