Determining the impact of multiple pests on soybean yield and grain composition

Investigators: Gustavo MacIntosh, Matthew E. O’Neal, Palle Pedersen, Felicitas Avendano, Gregory L. Tylka
Funding: Iowa Soybean Association

Results of preliminary research from 2003 to 2007 indicated that amino acid and lipid composition of soybean leaf tissues and grain can be affected by soybean aphid, SCN, and brown stem rot. Changes in lipid and amino acid composition are particularly important in production of soybeans that produce specialty grains for which a premium is obtained only when grain composition is within contracted levels (example: low linolenic soybeans, high oleic soybeans).

The goal of this project is to determine how the soybean aphid, SCN, and brown stem rot individually and together affect soybean plant defenses and alter grain composition. The work is being conducted to provide unbiased, research-based information to Iowa growers so they can make informed decisions on variety selection and management practices with respect to production of commodity and specialty soybeans in the state. The project was initiated in 2007 and will continue through 2010.

Field microplots used to study effects of soybean pests on soybean grain composition