Field evaluation of SCN management products

Investigators: Gregory L. Tylka, Gregory D. Gebhart, Christopher C. Marett, David Soh
Funding: Iowa Soybean Association, company fees

Each year, one or more foliar-, seed-, or soil-applied products are advertised for use in managing SCN. Growers and agribusinesses in Iowa turn to Iowa State University for an unbiased evaluation of the effect of these products on SCN populations and soybean yield.

The management products are evaluated in field experiments at multiple sites throughout Iowa. The products often are evaluated on both SCN-resistant and SCN-susceptible varieties to determine the full effects of the products on yield and SCN population densities. Since 2002, field experiments have been conducted to evaluate:

ProductNature of the productApplication methodResults
Denybiological control organismliquid applied in-furrowread report»
Gustobiological control organismseed treatmentread report»
Messengerharpin protein to stimulate plant defensesliquid applied as foliar spray 
MicroCN micronutrients +biological control organismliquid broadcasted and incorporatedread report»
N-Hibitharpin protein to stimulate plant defensesseed treatment 
N-Viro Soilcomposted municipal sewage sludgefine granule broadcasted and incorporatedread report»
ProsperNemabeneficial fungiliquid broadcasted and incorporatedread report»
X-Cytoplant hormones (cytokinins)liquid applied in-furrow or broadcasted and incorporated 

Planting 4-row plotsBroadcast application of dry product prior to incorporation